Saturday 16 May 2009

In Memory of My Beloved Mother, MAI THI VUI

In Nineteen hundred thirty nine, Was the year she was born.

The first day my mother cried. You raised us kids and always lived right.

We were safe and warm, Before you slept each night.

You worked hard All through your life As a friend, a mother, And a faithful wife.

You weren’t rich, or poor Or even famous. But you did your best and always loved us.

Life’s not easy Nor is it fair. You have always cared, And done for others.

So here’s a salute, To my Mother.

Mom made the days bright and happy, And the sun shone all around.

She made everything cheerful, and on her face Was a sweet peaceful smile.

On May the 5th life was not so kind And dark clouds of death gathered.

But her love brought us days of comfort and joy, And her life made it all worthwhile.

Trên ngực con nở đóa hoa hồng trắng
Quỳ trước bàn thờ cam phận mồ côi
Lạy Mẹ một đời tất tả ngược xuôi
Lạy gót chân sạm đen theo nắng gió
Lạy đuôi mắt chân chim lệ đổ
Lạy từng đường nhăn trán Mẹ thêm sâu
Lạy tóc bạc phơ trắng cả mái đầu
Lạy đêm từng đêm thức cho con ngủ
Lạy áo sờn vai , lạy mưa dầm nắng đổ
Lạy hạt sương trên áo Mẹ hừng đông
Lạy đôi tay chai sần vất vả quanh năm
Lạy ngàn âu lo, lạy trăm trăn trở
Lạy ngày bao dung, lạy đêm tha thứ
Lạy lời ru êm, lạy dòng sữa yêu thương

Con quỳ đây lạy Mẹ đến vô cùng

Trong hương khói tìm đâu hình bóng Mẹ

Nửa đoạn đời sau trong miền dâu bể

Vẫn mang nặng hoài hai chữ mồ côi

Những lạy nầy xin dâng Mẹ, Mẹ ơi!

Missing You

Do you look down at me in the night
Do you see my candle burning so big and so bright
The candle I burn that reminds me of you
The candle I hope that you would burn too.
Not a day goes by where I don't think of you hoping that you'd come back so the days won't be blue.
I feel no one understands me, apart from you. I go to your grave expecting a response to the pointless questions I can't get across.
Though sometimes In my mind I forget that you're dead but I'll make sure you keep living in my head
I love you so much it makes me so sad that I can't hear you say it back - the one thing that would make me glad. You probably think I'm silly when we didn't even know each other But to me you'll always be my Mother.